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Olimex Order Numbers, etc

It costs Olimex money to process a new layout, so we can't "release early and release often" and expect them to give us an order number for every one. They'll be annoyed with us if there isn't at least one buyer per release.


Order Number Item Description
AR180903A/PCB ModularEEG v1.1.0 Blank analog and digital board
AR180903A/ASM ModularEEG v1.1.0 Assembled analog and digital board
AR180903B/PCB ModularEEG v1.1.0 Two blank analog boards

The table above lists the items available. The prices change on an ongoing basis (you will need to get a quote from Olimex), but it was about $US20-$US30 for a pair of blank boards, and about $US150-$US200 for a pair of assembled boards. Please update us if your quote from Olimex is outside these ranges.

For new releases: these releases do not have order numbers; please contact us on the mailing list and we will get you one.

You may also be interested in the Olimex page on Gadgets, especially the OpenEEG.