ID Engines::Hesed
[Engine #08]
With the Hesed engine, you can live out an out-of-body
experience and swim in the stream of time, through the power of your mind.
The time which concerned is not the time of physicists, but rather the time
of philosophers, the existential time in which human perception is rooted. We
have a grasp of what we percieve as „past“ and what as „future“. The
present, the very moment of now, is just a volatile and
fleeting glimpse, shifting, dying and reborning with each new now in the
flow of time. It is a floating, shifting, invisible edge, sharper than
a razor-blade. It is
a delicate membrane between the past and future, the spot where all
miracles of human life happen.
The Hesed engine takes a hold of this membrane and grows volume
out of the void. It can be seen as a hip philosophical tool for the
questioning and exploration of the nature of time. You can expand your
existencial presence, inflate the delicate bubble of the here and now,
make a step on a journey towards infinity and eternity. Hesed can
be as well used as a tool for dynamic meditation, one with a digital
Hesed is a mixed reality
installation, driven by brainscan (EEG) input.
The player’s appearance is scanned in real-time by a camera, digitally
processed and inserted into a virtual reality world. Not only the current
frame, but a whole sequence of frames from the video stream is displayed at the
same time, organized into a three dimensional structure.
to volume
model of the VR world
The cylinder structure is the place where the
frames are spooled. Each individual frame is just a two dimensional sheet,
but together they form a structure with a volume, an object in
virtual reality where the third dimension is time.
The player can control the volume of this structure (the
amount of frames which are used at any given moment to render it) through
brainwaves. The EEG interface scans for alpha waves in a given area of the
player’s brain. The more the player dives deeper to alpha, the wider span of time is used to create the volume.
The membrane of here and now gets gently inflated with the power of the mind.
Real-time image pre- and postprocessing can be
deployed to achive more trance-like effects:
(w/ image preprocessing)
(w/ image postprocessing)
ID concept, design, artwork, code
Built upon UnrealTournament public source b432 by EpicGames
Using Unreal Engine b436 and UnrealEd 2
With the kind contribution of (advice, inspiration and problem solutions):
Vladimir Moshe Boehmer – VFW capture, networking
Palo Skyw Luka – my coding guru
Kornel Nelo Kabele – openEEG brainscan
Svorad – inter-application data exchange
Erik de Neve – Unreal UTexture class structure
presentation requirements
Core: 1 x PC
(Athlon XP 2G+, 512MB RAM, GeForce3, CD ROM)
1 x VFW compatible videocapture card, 1 x camera (PAL
EEG unit (I use an OpenEEG device, but currently don’t
own one)
17” monitor, trackball
Enhanced (for extra image processing):
1 x PC (Athlon 1200, 256MB RAM, TNT2, CD ROM)
to PC converter
space 2 x 2 m
presentation requirements
Core: 1 x PC
(Athlon XP 3G+, 512MB RAM, GeForce4, CD ROM)
1 x VFW compatible videocapture card, 1 x camera (PAL
EEG unit (I use an OpenEEG device, but currently don’t
own one)
wall projector, trackball
Enhanced (for extra image processing):
1 x PC (Athlon XP 2G+, 256MB RAM, TNT2, CD ROM)
VGA to PC converter
space = as the projection requires (app. projection
width x projection width)
The presentation room should be completely dark, with
one or two carefully placed spotlights.
Optional optical recognition navigation interface is
available, setup is possible also with a HMD or a five projector UnrealCAVE
system. Get in touch if you
wish to know about current development status, and requirements for the various
Ivor Diosi
Drienova 15, 82101 Bratislava,
Slovak Republic
+ 421 905 947 475 ivory [at] post dot sk