New member

From: peterson_at_d...
Date: 2001-02-06 03:53:06

Hello all--I just found you due to a message that Yaniv posted to the
BrainMaster group. I'm a psychologist, member of AAPB and SNR, a
diplomate of the neurotherapy cert board and BCIAC certified in EEG,
and been using neurotherapy in various clinical settings for about 7
years. I'm also definitely not an electronics type. I'm very
intrigued by the idea of a cheap EEG device, and know how I could put
about 20 cheap units into clinical service tomorrow if I had them.
If I can be of any help in terms of specifiying what I would want in
a clinical device or whatever, I'd be happy to contribute. Also,
does the problem become much simpler if you are willing to settle for
a 1-channel device? That's all you really need for addictions/PTSD
training. --Jim Peterson, PhD

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