Re: [buildcheapeeg] Re: web site

From: lucas darten (
Date: 2001-03-03 03:40:14

Well. Me and Eric are still discussing design and such. Once we get that all worked out, putting the site together won't take long. We are going to need some info from various people in the list. But I'll wait till we get thedesign worked out.

these are the various pages that we are looking at using so far, the actuallinks to these pages may change.

1: Main index page
just a very short introduction, with links to the following pages:
2: who we are
provides a more detailed description of what we are doing and why. Also a list of everyone in our group (real names and/or alias's) and what each person does.
3: what is eeg biofeedback?
an introduction to eeg biofeedback for people who aren't sure what it is and what it is used for. Probably containing links to sites with more involved descriptions of specific areas.
4: technical specifications
a current description of the design, including any pictures and such.
5: progress and latest news
an often updated section showing where things are at overall.
6: areas we need help in
any part of the project that we still need people for.

If anyone has any ideas for other pages we need to add, please email it. Don't send me any specifics yet though (such as"my name is... make sure you put me on the list") I'll probably lose the info by the time we get to adding content.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 1:23 AM
Subject: [buildcheapeeg] Re: web site

bye the way , what's the status of the website itself ?
is it finished ?
how it look like ?

good luck on the web site

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