Re: Potential uses for the device

From: e_e_ling_at_h...
Date: 2001-04-14 11:44:06


I've just been reading the discussion on what we should say about our
eeg device, and here's my little input:

There is a large group of people who are very interested in
neurofeedback, through books such as High Performance Mind/Megabrain
etc etc. These people do not need to be told what neurofeedback can
do, they want an eeg and the only thing stopping them is the current
price (I am one of those people). I don't honestly think we have to
say anything about the eeg. If we finish the design, provide a means
for non-technical people to get hold of one, and tell people it
exists, that should be enough, at least to start with. I would buy
one and so would thousands of other people like myself.

So I think that now is not the time to be worried about legal
situations, marketing strategies and advertising claims. Our primary
task should be to get the machine available to people who *already*
want one.



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