Re: [buildcheapeeg] Re: sound card

From: Moritz v. Buttlar (
Date: 2001-05-13 08:16:54

Hi !

About the soundcard idea: could somebody maybe find out how they are accessed
in Windows and Linux ? I think it wouldn´t matter at all if we could use
only high sampling rates like 40kHz. It would be possible to do some filtering
and convert this signal into a slower datastream accessible by our software.
The driver-issue shouldn´t be such a problem.
That leaves us with two problems:

- the bandwith (it´s limited on the lower side so we can´t sample signals below
maybe 5 Hz)
- linear isolation. Distortion and so on could limit the number of usable bits.
Maybe it could be calibrated using a signal generator or something like that.


Baltic Microsolutions / Flash Microcontroller Custom-Development 

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