From: Moritz v. Buttlar (
Date: 2001-05-16 17:35:52
Am Mit, 16 Mai 2001 schrieben Sie:
> So what needs to be done to move forward?
Some decision-making :)
> Do we need to get a complete parts list?
> Are there decisions to be made regarding things
> like the enclosure for the unit, electrodes,
> cabling, etc?
Yes. These are all open questions. Here additional questions:
- type of connectors between eeg-unit/electrodes
- type of isolation (IrDA vs. optocouplers)
- distribution
- legal matters...
- manufacturing the PCB´s: where is it cheap/good ?
- should we first make maybe 50 units for group members by ourselves, then
write good software and improve the design, then start mass production ? Or
what´s our plan ?
- maybe we could start sub-groups of experts to solve technical questions ?
- what do our psychiatrists say, how can we motivate people and organize
things best ?
> Are issues like kit vs complete, medical approval,
> etc still undecided?
These basic decisions also have to be made...
Maybe we could make a list of tasks that can be posted once a week on the group
and everybody can take charge of one task and then report to the group what
he/she found out ? Who want´s to make the list :) ?
Or maybe we could post it on our new website ?
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