
Date: 2001-05-28 14:11:22

it apears internet is cheap in tibet , so i'm writing .

two questions :
1. i noticed that our uc have flash . is it possible to change it's
programs while in the field ? so we could make irda later ?
how complex is to make it avilable ?

2.about palm pilot - maybew we should find some expert in palm that
would talk with us about what level of irda we need for this design ?
maybe we could do it simply in this version ?

3.if we design infrared (irda compatible) - we should design the box
in such a form that palm could interface mechanicly - and then we
would really have amazing stand alone unit - in this version ,
without much effort :) -> (building on the open source ) .

4. morritz - has any manufactorer contacted you ?
how do they sound ?

good luck
yaniv v.

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