EEG database - signals and analysis

From: Psytrix (psytrix_at_o...)
Date: 2001-06-03 02:12:02

A few wise men came to earth, lived in a special way and told us there are other states of consciousness . (prophets)

A few more believed in it , and could learn it , treat and take some others individuals to accomplish those states, personally . (therapists)

Maybe with development of neurofeedback , it can be spread not only personally , but reach many
more people , after we have figured out that some special states of consciousness have physical representation ( eg, EEG signals ). (tech people+therapists+meditators)
Beyond software , at machine level , we should also develop software dedicated to
form a EEG database (EEGbank), with signals, formats of EEG recording, patterns , kinds of analysis , and specially the conclusions from those - when the EEGmachines will be operating
that database should already be working for not wasting the results .

Some make the device which will record EEGs,
others do the therapies and get two variables:
the subjective states and the EEG recording -
the OpenEEG machine should hold and feedback the stimuli for patient,
and transmit EEG recordings (joined to qualitative impression
from therapist) to a OpenEEG website where the information
would be pooled together and redistributed for everyone .

Therapists have the precious data ( subjective , for now , and also technically got with EEGdevice
later ) and may expand the beneficts sharing it . The data are more valuable than money or
anything else for mankind inner balance.

Some one could connect openEEG while is playing NeuroChess - and the performance
would be registered and associated with EEG and Xmited for database;
or, he results can be used to better evaluate the evolution of sessions of meditation , or other
physical or mental goal prescribed .

Suggestion: thinking in a machine which gets and Xmit the data, and software in a metalevel (eg, structured Website) which receives, organizes, doesanalytical procedures and have the results for all .

A pale example (good, but limited 'cause only for clinician purposes) of it is in
for ElectroCardioGraphy (EKG) instead .

From: Grant Bright Saturday, June 02, 2001 3:09 PM

While many are involved in the technical aspects of building the interface,
the software side should receive as much if not more attention.

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