[buildcheapeeg] a little more rain on the parade

From: Rob Kall (smile_at_compuserve.com)
Date: 2001-06-05 02:52:00

I've never heard of a single case of litigation against a biofeedback
manufacturer or vendor, not one.

Rob Kall
Futurehealth, Inc.
211 N. Sycamore St., Newtown, PA 18940 215-504-1700, fax 215-860-5374
10th annual Winter Brain Meeting February 7-11, Miami Florida
"We're much more like flickering flames than hunks of meat."
Candace Pert

BioFbP Listserve. The Listserve For BIofeedback Practitioners.
Subscribe: biofbp-subscribe_at_yahoogroups.com

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