[buildcheapeeg] Re: Joining OpenEEGs and coupling to other nfb dev II

From: Rob Kall (smile_at_compuserve.com)
Date: 2001-06-05 18:43:37

Message text written by INTERNET:buildcheapeeg_at_yahoogroups.com
Maybe we could let those openEEG's connections with a good documentation
further biofeedback devices will be adaptable to it ( and actual ones be
updated in this sense) .

-connection 1 :
let one voltage OUTPUT (after preamp and main amp -and before
ADconversion ) - for coupling to
nfb machines and to control some feedback efectors,
vco ,stimuli generators and other openEEG
( directly, without computer)
- connection 2:
let one voltage INPUT to share ADC - allowing , eg, using
three 'openEEGs' together, one goes to computer
(using channel 1) and the others connect to that first using channels
2 and 3 .

Great idea. Doe these options include connecting a switching relay which
controls VCRs and video games, or sound light mind machines?

Rob Kall
Futurehealth, Inc.
211 N. Sycamore St., Newtown, PA 18940 215-504-1700, fax 215-860-5374
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Candace Pert

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