From: lucas darten (
Date: 2001-06-07 01:29:22
I had a thought. First of all, I believe it is the feedback part of the machine/software that is on shaky ground. A machine that only records brain wave activity is not nearly as subject to causing lawsuits.
What if we sold the machine as only an information gathering tool with a big disclamer making this very clear that we do not support it as a feedback machine, even though it would theoretically work that way. Maybe send with it a software that only records brain wave activity that can be viewed later but not during the session.
Then give away the software from the website as a nuerofeedback tool that just happens to work with our machine. someone mentioned the possibillity ofmaking the software able to work with other machines (like the brainmaster). Did anyone ever say if this was a plausible concept? If we did this, then no one could clearly say that the software is only designed for our machine.
if someone wanted to sue us, they would have to prove that the software is not safe and not the machine, because anyone using the machine for feedbackis ignoring the disclaimer. Plus being open source, I think it would be hard to sue for the software. If no one clearly owns it, who is liable for it? <G>
Good idea? bad idea? stupid idea?
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