more on thermal biofeedback and flying in a Lear Jet

From: Rob Kall (
Date: 2001-07-17 06:12:51

Message text written by
first ,when i do temp bfb i usualy can get to around 96.6F -97.1F
there is a reason to try for more ?
i feel somewhat relaxed , but it's not such a unique thing-
i can meditate or just calm myself down to get to this , i think .
so maybe for this bfb i don't need .

but again - for most people - how usefull is temp bfb, how much it
attracts people to bfb ? what the change most people experience after
this ? is like that's the first time the feel the relaxtion response
or know how to go there ?
what prevent temp bfb becoming very popular ?

Where are you placing the thermistor? What is the room temperature? What is
your baseline temperature?

Peripheral biofeedback works because of the autonomic innervation of the
smooth muscles encircling the peripheral vasculature. Activation causes
them to constrict, causing cooling of the hands and feet.

Elmer Green has said that "the hands are smarter than the feet" in terms of
thermal BF. It is easier to train the hands.

Steve Fahrion, ELmer's son-in-law (husband of Pat Norris) says that in
order to reach 98 degrees Fahrenheit (about 37 C.) you have to enter alpha.
Now, keep in mind that this assumes youre in a room with a temperature
under 75 F.

Temp Biofeedback is certainly the most popular form of biofeedback, and the
cheapest, since you can even use thermal sensing simple liquid sensors (see
the Bio-squares on my website on the low $ BF link.

We probably sell at least 25,000 of these a year ( 1000/ $75).

Check out Biofeedback CEntral
for more info and an F.A.Q.

Stress Relax Central

And to read about the thermal biofeedback device I invented that motivated
me to start Futurehealth, read about the Bio-Q thermal biofeedback ring, at . It really did lead to me flying
in a Lear Jet, cutting a deal with a multibillion dollar company-- for a
biofeedback product.

BTW, I will be pretty busy this summer and will not always be checking all
of the buildcheapeeg messages, so if you want to make sure I see something,
please send it to my personal attention with a subject heading I will


Rob Kall
Futurehealth, Inc.
211 N. Sycamore St., Newtown, PA 18940 215-504-1700, fax 215-860-5374
10th annual Winter Brain Meeting February 7-11, Miami Florida
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Pablo Picasso
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