From: JBilderback (
Date: 2001-09-17 18:15:06
Sounds like a great idea.
I wonder if an outfit like Circuit Cellar might be interested
in publishing an article about Joerg's latest "low end"
design? The HAL started there. It might lead to a lot
of positve feedback/evolution for the project(s).
> I just found a wonderful website for open-source projects like ours:
> It provides free webspace, free CVS server (a tool that allows software
> developers work together and is very powerful), discussion groups, file
> archive and much more.
> There are also already similar projects (EEG data viewer for Java, sound
> generator for lucid dreaming, and so on). Itīs also a great place to recruit
> more programmers. I already registered and applied for starting a new project
> (called openeeg). The CVS server alone is very valuable, but I think it would
> also be nice for the webhosting.
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