Date: 2001-11-14 00:32:16
No it is not.
>From a compliance standpoint it's the best way to go, any direct
patient contact must have significant isolation from any possible
electrical input.
This looks like the best way to do that.
--- In, wrote:
> I can understand that you have safety concerns, but I have been
> assembling and fixing computers for years now and have yet to get
> shocked by one. The voltage after it gets out of the power supply
> limited to about 12 volts (on most past it is 5 or less).
> In addition there are simple electronic things that you can do to
> build in protections. Off the top of my head just running
> blocked by zener diodes should be sufficient. They would instantly
> ground any voltage above a few volts.
> I don't think that even professional medical EEG's bother with
> optical isolation.
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