From: Doug Sutherland (
Date: 2001-12-02 07:46:33
Hi Jim,
> Could someone guide me as to how to find the published
> design? I went to SourceForge and could not figure out
> how to get it?
Every sourceforge project page has a download section,
it's a bit confusing though, it's not on this page: instead it's here:
> Jim Peters found the file but could not read it.
I downloaded the freeware version of Eagle layout
software and had a look at the schematics. I was
pleased to see that there are both Linux and Win
versions of Eagle. I assume that by now you have
figured out how to view the files.
The next question is how to get pcb boards made.
There are a few places that do low-volume orders
like these:
PCBexpress accepts Eagle format files, they have
quick turnaround and prices are reasonable.
ExpressPCB has another free CAD tool.
Has anyone actually produced the current PCB?
Has it been tested at all?
> I am not a software guru! I am good at low noise
> analog stuff though.
No, but you are an EE/analog guy with a ton of EEG
experience, that is very valuable here! There are
lots of software guys around. I think most of us
are software guys struggling with the hardware.
> I have found the majority of the hardware, and yesterday
> I found the software for both the HC11 and the Borland
> C++ program for the PC.
Very cool Jim. I have some HC11 boards here, and I'd
like to try out your design if you are willing to share
your schematics, firmware, and the C++ code. It probably
wouln't take me very long to build up the analog section
on permanent (soldered) breadboard material and plug in
to my HC11 boards, which are set up with RS232 already.
All I need to add is an opto-isolator. I think that both
the HC11 and Borland C compilers are free too, is that
right? Are you willing to share your specs/code so that
others can try it out?
> I also found many Mega bytes of REAL EEG data. The data
> is about several different people and one of them is a
> very gifted Medium from England (very interesting data).
> I would be happy to make that data available if someone
> (a computer guru) could tell me how to do it. I could
> put this data on my website to be downloaded?
Very cool! One of my pet investigations is EEG data that
is relative to psychic mediations. I'd love to see that
data. Please do put it up on your web site. I think that
a lot of the software guys would like to muck around
with that data.
> Switching away from HC11 to Amtel. The code to make the
> HC11 play is not complicated, (less that 1/2 page of code),
> but I had to hire a consultant to teach me how to. I hope
> that after 5 years I still remember how!
I'm sure that there are people among us who can port that
code over to Atmel. I am interested building and testing
both your HC11 version (since I have the boards) plus the
current OpenEEG design. I'm also willing to have a go at
porting that HC11 code over to Atmel, but I need to get
some uCs and the devtools first. Are the Atmel devtools
free? Where is a good source for low-volume orders of
Atmel uCs?
> Is there someone on this list who can program the Amtel
> in assembly language? Do you have the software tools
> and debuggers?
I'm sure there are several among us who can deal with
the firmware issues. I'm going to look into the Atmel
devtools situation tonight.
> Can an old dog learn new tricks?
Woof. I think that an old EE/Analog dog with lots of
EEG experience can teach the pups a lot. Roll over.
Play dead and measure your brainwaves ...
> If you want to build stuff, I can give you a schematic
> of what I have. What format should that be in? I could
> do a paper sketch and scan it. For professional work I
> use Orcad, but that has been a few years.
Jim, I'm interested. I don't want to order PCB boards, I
want to just put the parts on permanent breadboard stuff
to try out your hardware. I should be able to plug that
right into my HC11 boards. Even a scanned hand drawing
would be good enough for me, as long as it's readable.
Can you share the AS11 source and C++ code too? I am
excited about trying this. I have played with brainmaster
but I love the idea of cooking it from the ground up.
Regarding the OpenEEG design, I want to try it out.
Is anyone interested in getting together a low-volume
order of boards from PCBexpress? Has the current PCB
version been tested at all? I noticed that the site
with firmware is inaccessible ...
Can we get that firmware source?
-- Doug
The human-computer interface seems to be stuck on the
WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointer) model. What I'd
like is to have you call me and my clothing answers.
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