Re: [buildcheapeeg] A>D sampling rate

From: Doug Sutherland (
Date: 2001-12-02 19:31:24

JBilderback wrote:

> restating the question: if there's say 5uv of high frequency noise
> riding on a 100uv EEG signal then what is gained with 12-16
> bit data sampling ??

I'm not much of an analog guy, but according to most of the
published acceptable standards for EEG, at least 12-bit
resolution is required. According to EPTA the noise should
be 2 mV per below.

Noise: 2 m V peak to peak, 0.16--100 Hz
Common Mode Rejection Ratio: greater than 80--100 dB
Sampling Rate: minimum of 200 Hz, preferably 250--400 Hz
Amplifier Dynamic Range: greater than ± 2 mV
High Filter: 15, 30, 50, 70, 100 Hz (- 3 dB or preferably - 12 dB)
Low Filter: 0.16, 0.5, 1.6, 5, 10 Hz (- 3dB)
Notch Filter: attenuation ratio 1:20 at 50 and 60 Hz
Sensitivity: 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100 mV /mm
A/D Conversion: greater than or equal to 12 bit ADC. The recording
should be able to resolve activity down to 0.5 mV and as high as
several millivolts without clipping.

It seems that a lot of the newer commercial EEGs are using
16, 22, and even 24-bit ADC. Biosemi defends why they don't go
above 16-bits here ...

This is a decent presentation on sampling/conversion

-- Doug

The human-computer interface seems to be stuck on the
WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointer) model. What I'd
like is to have you call me and my clothing answers.

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