a question to serious people , including doug ,jim-p, jim-m and others

From: yaniv_vi (yaniv_vi_at_yahoo.com)
Date: 2001-12-05 14:07:19

hi people
i have read many posts that seem to be from very serious very
professional people , and that's cool !
i have a few issues to ask your opinion about :
1. about manufacturing costs of current design (in btaches of 10
and 100 )
anybody can estimate costs ? what simple ways to reduce this
costs (maybe smt , maybe other ) , how much precentage they would
reduce this costs ?
2. about assembly costs - how much assembly costs ? any simple way
to reduce this costs ?
3. about moving to production : what do you think is the best way to
move to production , taking in acount that we are are volunteer
group ?
4. design ideas for low cost , single channel eeg .
this eeg should be both pc based and standalone .
cost is very important , and also design work is very important .
how much it would cost ? what effect the costs ? etc ..
also one prefered option is that the software to that
machine yould be build in an incrementical fashion , e.g.
it would have minimal s.w. on it ,and software could be
downloaded by pc , and developed with low or zero cost
development tools .
5. and ideas how to go to handle business side ? any help possible ?
6. i read a few people do some design work on there own in the
field of nfb .that's good . maybe there's some way that we can
talk and find some mutual goals , and work togheter (even thought
that the work that's bein done now could help in future , it
could might be fruitfull to try to see if we have some shared
goals ).

please share your ideas , and thanks for participating in this list
sicnerly yaniv

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