Re: [buildcheapeeg] Re: Loose ends: Power

Date: 2002-02-12 19:43:25

i may be a little bit lost with all the electroinic talk but form what little
i understand it will run off of batteries well how about one of those
universal adapters that has the 4 prongs and voltages from 3.4 -12.0? as
well as batteries and here is a question will this device be portable
(meaning that one can use it away from the comp if they wanted to) if so
(again i do not know very much) but jameco has good lcd displays for a pretty
cheep price (perhaps ver 2.0?) for those who want to use the machine like in
bed or in their favorite chair without being strapped to the comp....just a

The easiest way to understand a magickian is to cease trying

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