From: yaniv_vi (
Date: 2002-02-17 09:40:18
about the eeg/emg/ecg - there's of course another option - setting a
diffrenet gain , as sleeper told .
for example - there's the waverider jr.
according to it's specs it seems that one could do ecg/emg/eeg
biofeedback with 8bit/128hz/8variable gains.
so i guess here the question is question of quality , what one wants
to do with the machine , etc .
so maybe the ecg designer would tell us a bit about his ecg ,
purpose , specs . and then we have reasonable basis for seeing how
to integrate his ecg design .
sincerly yaniv.
--- In, "yaniv_vi" <> wrote:
> hi
> here's a good link for a eeg/ecg/emg system design .
> to sum it up , since we use ac mode (dc input filtering) ,
> if we use 1uv step size , we would need a 4khz/16bit adc for each
> channels . for 2 channels ,for example => 2*4*16kbit/sec
=128kbit .
> that means we can't use simple rs232 port unless we use some kind
> of data compression .
> anybody here think he can design such a think (16 bit) ?
> BTW , does anybody knows what are the minuses of ac mode for this
> kinds of measurements ?
> and another question is : what's the use for a full ecg in
> biofeedback ? ain't measuring heart pulse via finger is enough ?
> --- In, "sleeper75se" <> wrote:
> > --- In, "John Morrison" <>
> > > Just wondering if we NEED a separate ECG or can the EEG be used
> > > multifunctional ???????
> >
> > Hi John,
> >
> > ECG signals are stronger than EEG. Not sure how much though.
> > Joergs 10-bit ADC should be able to handle 1mV signals, and my
> bit
> > ADC handles 4mV (so far my design is just theory). If you need
> more
> > range, you can install a potentiometer or switch on the input
> stage
> > that lowers the gain.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Andreas
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