From: John Morrison (
Date: 2002-02-27 12:24:49

OK we're using C++ :-)

Can anyone suggest a good system for the plug in system?
If we can find an existing system that we can build on it'll save a lot of

Whatever system it is will have to have the following capabilities....

1. Load modules on an ad-hoc basis (Loaded under instructions from a
configuration file)

2. The system needs to be able to use new modules (Without recompiling)

3. Share memory "areas" between the modules OR just between the modules and
MAIN program.

4. Modules must be able to communicate between each other.

5. Main must be able to extract information from each module (eg Name,
allowable connections, etc)

6. Multi Thread capable (where needed!)

7. {Can't think of anything else at the moment. Any suggestions??)

Please give feedback on the above requirements and ask any questions you

John Morrison
ICQ - 367473

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