From: Dave (
Date: 2002-02-27 13:31:24
On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 17:36:14 +1000, John Morrison wrote:
>> > real-time streaming methods (UDP datagrams) such as are used
>> > with video and sound.
>> Well, you can use UDP is IP is not good enough, but you'll need
>> to write a protocol that resends if packets are missed.
>Or ignore missing ones
That's what I was thinking. If the packets were sent out with a sequence
number, then out-of-sequence or missing packets could be dropped. Again, this
should not be issue on local networks, but might be once you start going
through routers. But if the packet loss is minimal, my thought is that it is
like streaming video where minor loss does not effect the overall perception of
the whole. Thus, a few EEG samples lost from time-to-time will still yield a
workable picture of brain states. Just what is the "loss threshold?" I don't
know. All this comes much later, though, when trying to make the speed vs.
accuracy trade-off decisions.
>I think what Dave is talking about is synchronising brain frequency.
>So 2 users plug in, the computers talk to each other and synchronise the
Yep, that is the essence of it.
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