From: Moritz von Buttlar (
Date: 2002-02-28 01:56:45
Hi !
>Okay, you're losing me here John. They won't need
>to compile anything. We will have precompiled
>binaries and an install script. Ideally the
>configuration will be via simple GUIs. That has
>little to do with objects vs components. Where
>components make sense is when the END USER will
>be putting the system parts together in various
>different ways, and I don't think they will do
>that with OpenEEG.
I think this whole idea is about the END USER being able to connect
system parts in various different ways. That's how you design a protocol !
The end user should be able to draw (like in LabView) the protocol
(=connection of
different components + some parameters) by himself. You have a mental image
how the
protocol should work and then you can assemble it with a graphical editor
(next step, after
the framework is working). This is much more flexible then the current
approach where all you can
do to change the protocol is change some parameters.
How this is achieved and how it's called, module or object or whatever,
isn't important.
Moritz von Buttlar
Flash uC/DSP Development
Free EEG Design
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