RE: [buildcheapeeg] Question for Doug

From: John Morrison (
Date: 2002-02-28 05:26:22

> > When the system is complete and someone produces a new
> > class/object you want to try is it possible for the system
> > to add "instantiate" it with out recompiling the program?
> Compilation and instantiation are different things. In Java,
> you compile your code into bytecode, those .class files.
> There will always be one main method, this instantiates
> objects which in turn instantiate other objects. The class
> file is like a "blueprint" of an object, it doesn't live
> until it's instantiated, and many of it can be instantiated.
Yep know all that as far as Java is concerned.
Which is one of the reasons that I originally was advocating Java.

> The code must be compiled before it can be used (obviously).
> The same holds true for C++ but rather than bytecode we are
> creating binary object modules. You really need to get away
BUT with C++ (at least the contact I've had with it) the end product is one
.EXE file.
So if someone sends you an Object module do we need to recompile to a new
or is there a way for the "MAIN" to instantiate it from the Object module?
EG If someone produces a new filter module and sends the Object module to

> from speaking of "the program" when dealing with OO, there
When we create the classes it'll be better as I can speak of this or that
class then. :-)

> is no one program, it's a bunch of classes. For OpenEEG we
> will have a main program that will launch everything else,
> but it should be very small and simple.
That is exactly what I was thinking!

> -- Doug


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