RE: [buildcheapeeg] Question for Doug

From: John Morrison (
Date: 2002-03-01 12:14:14

> I would imagine that like all software, we will have
> a development tree and a stable release tree, will
> go through major and minor releases, and have the
> precompiled binaries that work on the various target
> deployment platforms, probably including
> - Win9x, WinNT, Win2K
> - Linux 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernels
> > hunting around for UML programs
> Although UML is useful, there is danger in jumping
> into automated tools. We have a small number of
> objects and relationships here. We should be able
> to sort that out the old fashined no tech way.

OK here is a start on the design can I have a few words on it or should I
give up sit back and stop wasting my time??


They are just off the top of my head so please add/remove/correct them as
you see fit.
They are just suggestions for possible classes not all of which will ever
be written!

- Methods start with a : all others are classes.
- Indenting shows sub classes

:initialise - initialise the object but don't start sampling yet
:start - Start Sampling
:reset - Reset object (maybe just a call to initialise)
:stop - Stop sampling
:setSamplingRate - Set sampling rate :-) Thanks Doug
:getSerialData - a "protected" method used to access serial port data
- there would be a whole range of "protected" Serial interface methods
- Of course the library for Linux and Windows would be different
- This way authors can write code for a piece of hardware without
concern for the operating system

OPENEEG(CLASS) - Our baby :-)




:SetFileName - Set file name to read

:initialise - initialise the object
:reset - Reset object (maybe just a call to initialise)

Filter(Class) - any sort of filter

Trigger(Class) - Classes that provide an output (Digital) when trigger
conditions are met

:initialise - initialise the object
:reset - Reset object (maybe just a call to initialise)

VDU(Class) - All objects that display to the screen

File(Class) - Saving data to a file.
:SetFileName - Set file name to write

biAudio(Class) - Produce BI-Audio beat frequency signals

goggles(Class) - LED glasses for brain stimulation

playerMP3 - Play MP3 files (eg relaxation music, hypnosis, etc)



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