To JIM M. was Question for Hardware Guys

From: John Morrison (
Date: 2002-03-08 03:03:21

Jim did you actually READ the message you've replied to???
I'm after the control and returned data format so that I can start coding
the interface to the hardware.

> I am probably not the right person to answer your question. I know
nothing about classes and objects and data structures.
Well Don't answer it then. :-)

> I just wanted to see what the brain is doing and how to train it. I did
not care if I did that the "best" or most "elegant" way or not.
> I used what tools I had access to.
We already have tools to do that ElectricGuru, your program, BWview.
Why not have a well planned and flexible piece of code as well that doesn't
have to be rewritten every time something new comes along!

> Back in the dark ages when I began this project, 112,500 Baud rates were
possible, but other factors made 9600 Baud the "practical" choice.
> I followed the HAL-4 format which is one sync byte and 4 data bytes. If
you look on my web site you will find the source code for the HC11 that
> acquired the data and sent it to the PC at 9600 Baud. I can see no
reason to send data from the PC to the HC11 although that can be done and
> I believe the Brain Master does that.
As far as I can find out there are LOADS of EEG hardware modules out there
that you MUST talk back to to set up in the first place (or to change
I'm not sure what the instructions are needed for.
BUT I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and ignore them JUST because
I can't see a Good reason for it!

> This group can spend months discussing the "perfect" protocol, but here
is one that "works".
> There is several megabytes of "real" brain wave data available for you
to look at and write some code.
Excuse me BUT I am working on the HARDWARE interface not for reading
available data.
BWview is already doing a great job of reading and analysing existing data!

> Why don't you "start" with something simple and write a small test
program to look at the code?
> Logfile1 contains some test tones with which you can test your program.
OK tell me HOW I write code to interface to hardware without knowing how the
hardware works?
I know HAL-4 format thanks to you.
Who here besides you has a HAL-4 ???
Will you do all the testing for me ???

<Rave Start>

It is really starting to annoy me you chiming in ALL THE TIME with the same
line. CODE NOW!!! CODE NOW!!!

There is code out there that is available, usable and doing the job!
BWview, ElectricGuru, Your code, commercial software and I'm sure there
are others!

WHY do we have to create another of the same program? Isn't that a WASTE of
time ???
What I want is a piece of software (MODULES) that anyone can grab modify,
improve, add to so that they DON"T have to do the ground work every time
they start!!!!

WHY does EVERYONE have to RUSH in and CODE now?
We have people coding (i.e. BWview) Dave's code is coming along, and I'm
sure others are coding off here!!!

I don't have the time to devote to coding right now (few more weeks) so I'm
gathering information that will be valuable to to me and anyone else that is
trying to produce a flexible piece of software!!!

THIS IS A discussion forum so WHY do you what to stop the discussion and
sharing of valuable information???????

If you keep up the constant badgering you are going to just PISS PEOPLE OFF
and maybe annoy them enough to loose then to other projects! THIS IS after

You said you are a cheer leader......... I'm afraid to me you are more like
the over active parents that yell at the coach/players and every one at the
game that they are doing everything wrong!!!

</Rave END>

I'm sorry I don't normally get into bull like this but it is REALLY PISSING
ME OFF and I think other people to!!!!!!!!!!

If you have something constructive to add please do! Everyone will be
enriched by it!
IF NOT........DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!


From: John Morrison
To: buildcheapeeg
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 11:20 AM
Subject: [buildcheapeeg] Question for Hardware Guys

Just a (hopefully) Quick Question!

What instructions can you give your hardware device
eg Set sampling rate
AND if you know what is the actual data sent over the RS232
eg MAYBE 02 03 04 :-)

Basically I need to know how the interface works between the hardware
the PC?

Thanks for your help!!!

John Morrison
ICQ - 367473

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