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00012 /*  
00013  NeuroServer 
00015  A collection of programs to translate between EEG data and TCP network
00016  messages. This is a part of the OpenEEG project, see
00017  for details.
00019  Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Rudi Cilibrasi (
00021  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00022  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00023  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00024  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00026  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00027  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00029  Lesser General Public License for more details.
00031  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00032  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00033  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
00035 */
00037 #include <stdio.h>
00038 #include <assert.h>
00039 #include <stdlib.h>
00040 #include <string.h>
00042 #include <nsnet.h>
00043 #include <nsutil.h>
00045 #include <nsser.h>
00047 #include <openedf.h>
00049 #include <config.h>
00051 #define PROTOWINDOW 17
00053 char buf[PROTOWINDOW];
00054 sock_t sock_fd;
00055 int bufCount;
00056 static int failCount = 0;
00057 static struct OutputBuffer ob;
00058 static struct InputBuffer ib;
00060 int hasMatchedProtocol;
00061 int isP2, isP3;
00062 int isValidPacket(unsigned short nchan, unsigned short *samples);
00063 int doesMatchP3(unsigned char c, unsigned short *vals,int *nsamples);
00064 int doesMatchP2(unsigned char c, unsigned short *vals,int *nsamples);
00065 int mGetOK(sock_t fd, struct InputBuffer *ib);
00068 int mGetOK(sock_t fd, struct InputBuffer *ib)
00069 {
00070         return 0;
00071 }
00073 static struct EDFDecodedConfig modEEGCfg = {
00074                 { 0,   // header bytes, to be set later
00075                         -1,  // data record count
00076                         2,   // channels
00077                         "0", // data format
00078                         "Mr. Default Patient",
00079                         "Ms. Default Recorder",
00080                         "date",
00081                         "time",
00082                         "manufacturer",
00083                         1.0,  // 1 second per data record
00084                 }, {
00085                                 {
00086                                         256, // samples per second
00087                                         -512, 512, // physical range
00088                                         0, 1023,   // digital range
00089                                         "electrode 0", // label
00090                                         "metal electrode",  // transducer
00091                                         "uV",  // physical unit dimensions
00092                                         "LP:59Hz", // prefiltering
00093                                         ""         // reserved
00094                                 },
00095                                 {
00096                                         256, -512, 512, 0, 1023, 
00097                                         "electrode 1", "metal electrode", "uV", "LP:59Hz", ""
00098                                 }
00099                 }
00100         };
00102 static struct EDFDecodedConfig current;
00104 int isValidPacket(unsigned short chan, unsigned short *samples)
00105 {
00106         int i;
00107         if (chan != 2 && chan != 4 && chan != 6) return 0;
00108         for (i = 0; i < chan; i++) {
00109                 if (samples[i] > 1023) return 0;
00110         }
00111         return 1;
00112 }
00114 void resetBuffer(void)
00115 {
00116         bufCount = 0;
00117 }
00119 void gobbleChars(int howMany)
00120 {
00121         assert(howMany <= bufCount);
00122         if (bufCount > howMany)
00123                 memmove(buf, buf+howMany, bufCount-howMany);
00124         bufCount -= howMany;
00125 }
00127 void eatCharacter(unsigned char c)
00128 {
00129 #define MINGOOD 6
00130         int oldHasMatched;
00131         static int goodCount;
00132         unsigned short vals[MAXCHANNELS];
00133         int ns;
00134         int didMatch = 0;
00135         oldHasMatched = hasMatchedProtocol;
00136         if (bufCount == PROTOWINDOW - 1)
00137                 memmove(buf, buf+1, PROTOWINDOW - 1);
00138         buf[bufCount] = c;
00139         if (bufCount < PROTOWINDOW - 1)
00140                 bufCount += 1;
00141         if (hasMatchedProtocol) {
00142                 if (isP2)
00143                         didMatch = doesMatchP2(c, vals, &ns);
00144                 if (isP3)
00145                         didMatch = doesMatchP3(c, vals, &ns);
00146         } else {
00147                 if ( (didMatch = doesMatchP2(c, vals, &ns)) ) {
00148                         if (goodCount > MINGOOD) {
00149                                 hasMatchedProtocol = 1;
00150                                 isP2 = 1;
00151                         }
00152                 } else {
00153                         if ( (didMatch = doesMatchP3(c, vals, &ns)) ) {
00154                                 if (goodCount > MINGOOD) {
00155                                         hasMatchedProtocol = 1;
00156                                         isP3 = 1;
00157                                 }
00158                         }
00159                 }
00160         }
00161         if (didMatch) {
00162                 char *pstr = "xx";
00163                 if (isValidPacket(ns, vals)) {
00164                         goodCount += 1;
00165                 }
00166                 else {
00167                         rprintf("Warning: invalid serial packet ahead!\n");
00168                 }
00169                 if (isP2)
00170                         pstr = "P2";
00171                 if (isP3)
00172                         pstr = "P3";
00174                 failCount = 0;
00176 //              printf("Got %s packet with %d values: ", pstr, ns);
00177 //              for (i = 0; i < ns; ++i)
00178 //                      printf("%d ", vals[i]);
00179 //              printf("\n");
00180         }
00181         else {
00182                 failCount += 1;
00183                 if (failCount % PROTOWINDOW == 0) {
00184                         rprintf("Serial packet sync error -- missed window.\n");
00185                         goodCount = 0;
00186                 }
00187         }
00188 }
00190 void handleSamples(int packetCounter, int chan, unsigned short *vals)
00191 {
00192         char buf[MAXLEN];
00193         int bufPos = 0;
00194         int i;
00195 //      printf("Got good packet with counter %d, %d chan\n", packetCounter, chan);
00196         if (chan > current.hdr.dataRecordChannels)
00197                 chan = current.hdr.dataRecordChannels;
00198         bufPos += sprintf(buf+bufPos, "! %d %d", packetCounter, chan);
00199         for (i = 0; i < chan; ++i)
00200                 bufPos += sprintf(buf+bufPos, " %d", vals[i]);
00201         bufPos += sprintf(buf+bufPos, "\r\n");
00202         writeString(sock_fd, buf, &ob);
00203         mGetOK(sock_fd, &ib);
00204 }
00206 int doesMatchP3(unsigned char c,  unsigned short *vals,int *nsamples)
00207 {
00208         static int i = 0;
00209         static int j = 0;
00210         static int packetCounter = 0;
00211         static int auxChan = 0;
00212         static short samples[MAXCHANNELS];
00213         static int needsHeader = 1;
00214         static int needsAux;
00215         if (needsHeader) {
00216                 if (c & 0x80) goto resetMachine;
00217                 packetCounter = c >> 1;
00218                 auxChan = c & 1;
00219                 needsHeader = 0;
00220                 needsAux = 1;
00221                 return 0;
00222         }
00223         if (needsAux) {
00224                 if (c & 0x80) goto resetMachine;
00225                 auxChan += (int) c * 2;
00226                 needsAux = 0;
00227                 return 0;
00228         }
00229         if (2*i < MAXCHANNELS) {
00230        switch (j) {
00231            case 0: samples[2*i] = (int) c; break;
00232            case 1: samples[2*i+1] = (int) c; break;
00233            case 2:
00234                samples[2*i] += (int)   (c & 0x70) << 3;
00235                samples[2*i+1] += (int) (c & 0x07) << 7;
00236                i += 1;
00237                break;
00238        }
00239         }
00240         j = (j+1) % 3;
00241         if (c & 0x80) {
00242                 if (j == 0) {
00243                         int k;
00244                         memcpy(vals, samples, sizeof(vals[0]) * i * 2);
00245                         *nsamples = i * 2;
00246                         for (k = 0; k < *nsamples; ++k)
00247                                 if (vals[k] > 1023)
00248                                         goto resetMachine;
00249                         i = 0;
00250                         j = 0;
00251                         needsHeader = 1;
00252                         handleSamples(packetCounter, *nsamples, vals);
00253                         return 1;
00254                 }
00255                 else {
00256                         if (isP3)
00257                                 rprintf("P3 sync error:i=%d,j=%d,c=%d.\n",i,j,c);
00258                 }
00259                 goto resetMachine;
00260         }
00261         return 0;
00263         resetMachine:
00264                 i = 0;
00265                 j = 0;
00266                 needsHeader = 1;
00267         return 0;
00268 }
00270 int doesMatchP2(unsigned char c, unsigned short *vals,int *nsamples)
00271 {
00272 #define P2CHAN 6
00273         enum P2State { waitingA5, waiting5A, waitingVersion, waitingCounter,
00274                 waitingData, waitingSwitches };
00275         static int packetCounter = 0;
00276         static int chan = 0;
00277         static int i = 0;
00278         static enum P2State state = waitingA5;
00279         static unsigned short s[MAXCHANNELS];
00280         switch (state) {
00281                 case waitingA5:
00282                         if (c == 0xa5) {
00283                                 failCount = 0;
00284                                 state = waiting5A;
00285                         }
00286                         else {
00287                                 failCount += 1;
00288                                 if (failCount % PROTOWINDOW == 0) {
00289                                         rprintf("Sync error, packet lost.\n");
00290                                 }
00291                         }
00292                         break;
00294                 case waiting5A:
00295                         if (c == 0x5a)
00296                                 state = waitingVersion;
00297                         else
00298                                 state = waitingA5;
00299                         break;
00301                 case waitingVersion:
00302                         if (c == 0x02) /* only version 2 supported right now */
00303                                 state = waitingCounter;
00304                         else
00305                                 state = waitingA5;
00306                         break;
00308                 case waitingCounter:
00309                         packetCounter = c;
00310                         state = waitingData;
00311                         i = 0;
00312                         break;
00314                 case waitingData:
00315                         if ((i%2) == 0)
00316                                 s[i/2] = c;
00317                         else
00318                                 s[i/2] = s[i/2]* 256 + c;
00319                         i += 1;
00320                         if (i == P2CHAN * 2)
00321                                 state = waitingSwitches;
00322                         break;
00324                 case waitingSwitches:
00325                         chan = P2CHAN;
00326                         chan = 2;  /* todo: fix me */
00327                         *nsamples = chan;
00328                         memcpy(vals, s, chan * sizeof(s[0]));
00329                         handleSamples(packetCounter, *nsamples, vals);
00330                         state = waitingA5;
00331                         return 1;
00333                 default:
00334                                 rprintf("Error: unknown state in P2!\n");
00335                                 rexit(0);
00336                 }
00337         return 0;
00338 }
00339 void printHelp()
00340 {
00341         rprintf("ModEEG Driver interfaces the ModEEG system to the NeuroServer TCP/IP protocol\n");
00342         rprintf("Usage: modeegdriver [-d serialDeviceName] [hostname] [portno]\n");
00343         rprintf("The default options are modeegdriver -d %s %s %d\n",
00344                         DEFAULTDEVICE, DEFAULTHOST, DEFAULTPORT);
00345 }
00347 int main(int argc, char **argv)
00348 {
00349         char responseBuf[MAXLEN];
00350         int i;
00351         int retval;
00352         ser_t serport;
00353         char EDFPacket[MAXHEADERLEN];
00354         int EDFLen = MAXHEADERLEN;
00356         char smallbuf[PROTOWINDOW];
00357         char *hostname = NULL;
00358         char *deviceName = NULL;
00360         unsigned short portno = 0;
00362         struct timeval when;
00364         rprintf("ModEEG Driver v. %s-%s\n", VERSION, OSTYPESTR);
00366         rinitNetworking();
00368         for (i = 1; argv[i]; ++i) {
00369                 if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'h') {
00370                         printHelp();            
00371                         exit(0);
00372                 }
00373                 if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'd') {
00374                         if (argv[i+1] == NULL) {
00375                                 rprintf("Bad devicename option: %s\nExpected device name as next argument.\n", argv[i]);
00376                                 exit(1);
00377                         }
00378                         deviceName = argv[i+1];
00379                         i += 1;
00380                         continue;
00381                 }
00382                 if (hostname == NULL) {
00383                         hostname = argv[i];
00384                         continue;
00385                 }
00386                 if (portno == 0) {
00387                         portno = atoi(argv[i]);
00388                         continue;
00389                 }
00390         }
00391         if (deviceName == NULL)
00392                 deviceName = DEFAULTDEVICE;
00393         if (portno == 0)
00394                 portno = DEFAULTPORT;
00395         if (hostname == NULL)
00396                 hostname = DEFAULTHOST;
00398         makeREDFConfig(&current, &modEEGCfg);
00399         writeEDFString(&current, EDFPacket, &EDFLen);
00402         sock_fd = rsocket();
00403         if (sock_fd < 0) {
00404                 perror("socket");
00405                 rexit(1);
00406         }
00407         setblocking(sock_fd);
00409         rprintf("Attempting to connect to nsd at %s:%d\n", hostname, portno);
00410         retval = rconnectName(sock_fd, hostname, portno);
00411         if (retval != 0) {
00412                 rprintf("connect error\n");
00413                 rexit(1);
00414         }
00415         rprintf("Socket connected.\n");
00416         fflush(stdout);
00418         serport = openSerialPort(deviceName,57600);
00419         rprintf("Serial port %s opened.\n", deviceName);
00421         writeString(sock_fd, "eeg\n", &ob);
00422         mGetOK(sock_fd, &ib);
00423         writeString(sock_fd, "setheader ", &ob);
00424         writeBytes(sock_fd, EDFPacket, EDFLen, &ob);
00425         writeString(sock_fd, "\n", &ob);
00426         mGetOK(sock_fd, &ib);
00427         updateMaxFd(sock_fd);
00428 #ifndef __MINGW32__
00429         updateMaxFd(serport);
00430 #endif
00431         when.tv_usec = (1000000L / modEEGCfg.chan[0].sampleCount);
00432         rprintf("Polling at %d Hertz or %d usec\n", modEEGCfg.chan[0].sampleCount, when.tv_usec);
00433         for (;;) {
00434                 int i, readSerBytes;
00435                 int retval;
00436                 fd_set toread;
00437                 when.tv_sec = 0;
00438                 when.tv_usec = (1000000L / modEEGCfg.chan[0].sampleCount);
00439                 FD_ZERO(&toread);
00440                 FD_SET(sock_fd, &toread);
00441 #ifndef __MINGW32__
00442                 FD_SET(serport, &toread);
00443 #endif
00444                 retval = rselect_timed(max_fd, &toread, NULL, NULL, &when);
00445                 readSerBytes = readSerial(serport, smallbuf, PROTOWINDOW);
00446                 if (readSerBytes < 0) {
00447                         rprintf("Serial error.\n");
00448                 }
00449                 if (readSerBytes > 0) {
00450                         for (i = 0; i < readSerBytes; ++i)
00451                                 eatCharacter(smallbuf[i]);
00452                 }
00453                 if (FD_ISSET(sock_fd, &toread)) {
00454                         my_read(sock_fd, responseBuf, MAXLEN, &ib);
00455                 }
00456                 if (isEOF(sock_fd, &ib)) {
00457                                         rprintf("Server died, exitting.\n");
00458                                         exit(0);
00459                 }
00460         }
00462         return 0;
00463 }

Generated on Tue Feb 8 00:05:15 2005 for Neuroserver by doxygen 1.3.3