From: peterson_at_d...
Date: 2001-06-25 05:12:01

--- In, "frans" <f.smith_at_c...> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Thank for your explanation.
> I did three years ago a course in Silva Mind Control.
> Afther the course one must be able to reach alpha-state.
> They think in alpha one can re-program etc...
> However, i have read in an old book from the 70's that
> Alpha is not that easy. Using one electrode on the fore-
> head, one gets only frontal-alpha, one has to re-place
> electrode to get overall-alpha.
> Does hypnose or mind-control give overall-Alpha ?
Certainly some forms of meditation produce alpha, in some cases lots
of alpha. I believe hypnosis also generates alpha and theta activity-
-would be surprised if it didn't. Alpha-theta states are nice for
having people do very effective work with guided imagery, etc.

> If this would be the case, then balancing true hypnosis
> or mind control (or alpha FB)would produce more alpha. in rigth
hem.But in some cases like depressions we would like to slow down
alpha in left hem.
> Is that rigth ?
> Would that explain why depressed people must not
> meditate ?, so would alpha training be useless in cases
> of depression.

Depressed people shouldn't meditate or do alpha-theta without a
therapist. WITH a therapist, it can be very useful. The problem is
that meditation or A-T training can cause you to get into the reasons
you are depressed. You may get lost there alone, but a therapist can
help you process through the material and get closure on it. That's
how the Saxby & Peniston study worked. Many, many alcoholics are
depressed. Alpha-theta can be very effective. So can hypnosis,
imagery, etc. under the guidance of someone who knows what he/she is


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