From: frans (f.smith_at_c...)
Date: 2001-06-29 23:47:59
Hi Moritz,
I found the paper in files from canadian hackers !!!!
All the files had tho do with hacking and freaking, but
there where some files about electronics. I found two
files about biofeedback. The files where written by
Tom collura. (brainmaster). Whe from buildcheapeeg
are not bound to ask Tom for permission. In fact whe
could just re-write the paper, and eventual make a re-
verent to Tom Collura.
I don't think Tom would like to to help us. Not because
he don't want to, but the brainmaster is an other project.
It is still running (software). So our group will at the end
re-place the expencive and old brainmaster.
As a matter of fact, ideal would have been when Tom again starded a new project for a new device. But he did
not do so. They (BM) starded software projects.
So when his project was running they had no reason to
develop a newer system. Then came others who
starded a new project (buildcheapeeg). You understand
that this could be the end of BM. Suppose if Tom had
contacted our group, then ther would be no problem, for
the rs232 could replace BM in time, lets say up-grade BM. In fact when Tom would be a member, whe would
have already a channel for marketing. RS232 would then
be the test-name, and BM could then promote the new
machine. So all BM users and new users could by a much
cheaper device. The software project from BM could then be compatible with rs232. Its a fact that an new
device is only so for some years, like a computer.
Tom did not joined the group, he could have done so.
I don't know if he likes the project, but he could know
that just as his old 486-pc would had to go because of
pentium, the BM would have to make place for rs232.
The succes of rs232 together with modern computers
(and lower cost for pc's), and better software could make
BM a second choice. for the machine uses old technolgy,
while rs232 is modern, at the same time the price is
about 800.00 US dollar !!!. No normal thinking man
would by a BM.
It seems that in the past the BM was patented. So some-
one (Tom) had to pay for the patend. Also for FDA
approvement, production, marketing etc..So a lot of in-
vestment. Is only fair then that Tom would have to ask
a price so as to earn back all the time and money.
Therefore a compleet new device, much cheaper would be but an evil concurent. (afther all, those man starded
BFB/NFB al long time ago).
If Tom would think logic, he would participate in the
project. None of us would be against it. In fact, afther
all the basics (fda approvement, patent etc) Tom could
try to sell the system as the new BM. None of us need
to make a living out of it. In fact, whe would support Tom
where ever whe could. Make the sytem 100% compatible
with the BM-open sourche project etc.
Perhaps whe should talk with Tom about this, in time.
For me it is not logic to wait until some engineers finally
succeed in building an selling an new device.
Information about FDA can also be found at there web-
site. Or whe could write to BFB organisations etc.
however, a FDA approvement could take a long time and
money. This is where the project could end up dead.
for now its the members like me who build those machines for personal use, and to fool arround..
If however the project must end the market then
whe need more members (not technologist) to bring in
some use-full stuf.
I don't know if i have posted a message about FDA,
but i did investigate something like ECG at there site.
I look if i can find it and post it again.
regards. Frans.
----- Original Message -----
From: Moritz v. Buttlar
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: [buildcheapeeg] LEGAL/FDA
Hi frans !
Great text you posted there ! Where did you pick it up ? Maybe we could ask the
author if we could post in on our website ?
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baltic Microsolutions / Flash Microcontroller Custom-Development< open-source neurofeedback project at !>
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