From: Jim Meissner (
Date: 2002-01-26 23:49:04
Dear Jim Peters:
Fireworks 4 was able to display your file and yes, I saw the frequency listing on the left and I guess the color is the amplitude, and time goes from left to right. The clipping one was very interesting.
This reminds me very much of a program that I have to do voice analysis. The display is exactly the same. The frequency is up and down and the amplitude is the color. I always wondered whether that might be a good way to display the brain waves. I could not get myself to pay $400.00 for the program.
You might check them out and get the demo disk.
The demo I have is Spectra Plus Version 3.0 1994, Pioneer Hill Software, Fax # (360) 697-7730
They may have a website by now.
Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving your life and health.
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