Re: [buildcheapeeg] My project II( moto DSP board info)

From: Doug Sutherland (
Date: 2002-02-10 23:26:26

sade made wrote:

> Danish TV station TV2 Zulu ( are you sure it was not called Zilu,
> Pulu, or Kapten Kyrkatomten? )

Ah, so you think I am a fiction writer. Tis true my friend.

> Raketfart (which translates to "space travel") in
> Copenhnagen Denmark last year (weekly primetime
> series). Well, aslong as it was not "GammalFart"
> which you know also how to translate I suspect.

Such a foolish thing to say

This was filmed outside of Tech Museum of Innovation
in San Jose. TV2 Zulu send me a VHS cassete of the
show too.


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