From: sade made (
Date: 2002-02-16 06:41:28
> Danish TV station TV2 Zulu ( are you sure it was
> not called Zilu, Pulu, or Kapten Kyrkatomten? )
> Ah, so you think I am a fiction writer. Tis true my
> friend.
Not necessarily. It was just meant to be loose-wristed
humor. Am getting a bit old for finding interest in
publicity or public so called achievements of others
or even my own. Rather, find simple human kindness
100 times more respectable and desireable, than
egoism and self-boasting. My days of fighting with the
egoistes is over.Apologize for that. Peace, Yoga, and
Freedom for you and your portable devices, too, may
they stay healthy and functional for years to come to
provide you some enjoyment in this short life of us
humans. And also, find attempts in reducing pollution
and helping the poorest of people more respectable
goal than many others out there.
> > Raketfart (which translates to "space travel") in
> > Copenhnagen Denmark last year (weekly primetime
> > series). Well, aslong as it was not "GammalFart"
> > which you know also how to translate I suspect.
> Such a foolish thing to say
Don't think there was necessarily anything very
foolish there, it was just meant as humor to notify
that even if some of us may be older than you are,
we are not necessarily totally expired from dementia
yet nor were necessarily either born yesterday.
I'd find some other topics much more interesting
in Denmark, than tech. Denmark is very humane and
lively country. Good people, and good, food.
> This was filmed outside of Tech Museum of Innovation
> in San Jose. TV2 Zulu send me a VHS cassete of the
> show too.
> Namaste,
> Doug
Peace, long life and success with your raketfartin,
Sade M.
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