Re: [buildcheapeeg] BWView improvements

From: Dave (
Date: 2002-03-02 07:08:03

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 10:05:44 +0000, Jim Peters wrote:

>Also, as you may have noticed, anything I code myself will probably
>end up looking like a console application, as that is the place I call
>home. It will be 90% keyboard oriented, because that makes it very
>fast to operate. No fiddly widgets to click! No wasteful
>hand-mouse-pointer-eye-hand feedback loop just to press a button!

I am somewhere in the middle on this. While I live on the keyboard, I also
like some aspects of the GUI environment. For example, I oscillate between
using vi and vs (visual slickedit). I never did get on board the emacs
revolution, or I would probably be singing dirges to GUIs instead of sitting on
the fence. :)

>However, probably some people will be wanting to move towards a fancy
>GUI, so that Windows people and mouse users feel like they are in
>control. This is not an area that I feel happy with -- trying to
>create something I'm not going to enjoy using is not a recipe for
>success! If as a group we go that way, someone else will have to take
>charge of coding the UI, and I can provide some of the 'engine' code.

I like the rule-of-thumb that if you can do it with the mouse, there needs to
be a keyboard correlate.


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