Getting organized

From: sleeper75se (
Date: 2002-03-06 03:36:51

A comment on vaporware and so on...

How to organize this? Bouncing ideas back and forth is good and
necessary, but there needs to be some kind of structure to it or all
those ideas just float into cyberspace. (Who wants to wade through
the log anyway?)

John has made some progress with the requirement spec and Jim's
BWView has settled some issues, like what compiler and GUI-lib to
use, but we still don't have a clear picture of what we want to do
with the program.

So, stepping back a bit, any ideas on how to organize this? I know
you are waiting for hardware to play with, but there's a lot of
organisational and technical issues that can be settled and written
down before that. (Although boring...)

Can someone take it upon himself to log and organize all ideas that
crop up, bundle them, regularly create polls where we settle issues,
and maintain some kind of document with the results? Planning should
be the bulk of the project, not implementation.

I know I'm suffering from brain damage after that software-project
management and documentation course, but it feels like the old touch-
and-go project-management style only works for single-person projects
(and poorly at that). I'm amazed at what has been done in the open-
source community, but I don't see how they manage to pull it off
without project management.

And I need to work more on the hardware too, rather than discussing
software topics, however interesting. English is not my language, so
it takes a very long time to write (and rewrite) a message. :-)


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