Date: 2001-08-14 04:37:10
> > Is possible add 16 bit dig. counter ( or 2 x 8bit ), I think also
> > cheap.
> > Time resolutin would be high, I read that new 555 reached output
> > frekvency at about 2.4 MHz.
> 2 cheap asychronous counters would be ok.
> You need a 16 Mhz (or whatever the counters can manage)
> crystal oscillator to generate the clock for the counter.
> The 555 would generate a gate time for the 16Mhz clock.
I'm going to jump in here and make another plug for
an on-board A>D chip.
Plus: Low cost, multi-channel, high-resolution, fast,
low cpu consumption, serial out units only require a few
opto-isolators for i/o, ...
Minus: a driver must still provide accurate conversion
timing and retreive/store the results in a timely manner.
However this seems much less complicated and requires
orders of magnitude fewer cpu resources than the
555/serial port scheme.
In any case ... the new 555 design is more exciting news
from Joerg and the group.
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