Re: wxDesigner for linux and some other multiplatform GUI linkpages:

From: sademade (
Date: 2001-12-24 05:16:49

> This is the point. Without hardware, how can you write the
>software ?

1.There is the RS232EEG, that apparently could be used as a model
for the software development, as only the hardware is laid out
differently, but softwarewize, it could be just the same, and
software could have been developed, in spite if there are small
changes to the amps, that do not affect the software.
RS232EEG is there, and

2. Even if RS23232 would not be can, one could have interface
definitions defined, that isoften done in embedded projects
at least, to allow parallel software and hardware developments.

That is the way at least many companies reduce their schedules.

> It's not possible to test ideas without real hardware to play on. I
> don't know why `sademade' is complaining so much.

Was not complaining, rather, suggested some ideas, but appears
some people are not open to ideas different from their own.

> It's like he's blaming the entire Linux community for not writing
>code for him, when as yet, there is nothing to write code *for*.
> Anyway, most open-source projects seem to start with a few dedicated
> people, and others then join in when they see that something
> interesting is actually happening. Only the most dedicated would
> commit time to a vapourware project.
> Jim

Was not blaming anything or anyone, and did not request anything for
me,rather, gave some possible ideas of doing things, and that was met
with venomous words, and that is not very constructive, then again,
fortunately most people are not that way, as such does not progress
projects. Too bad some individuals have need to flame others, but
will not join such.


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