Re: [buildcheapeeg] Lucid Dreaming

From: bp (
Date: 2002-02-27 23:35:05

Interesting discussion you've got going on.
Once, I had an LD where I was walking down the street in Bremerton, WA
(don't live there anymore), and this triggered my consciousness. I was
fully aware of both the dream, and the reality of me lying in the bed. I
was vaguely aware of my bodily position. After become lucid, I realized
that "somehow" I had travelled back to a certain day in the past and was
reliving that day. I kept trying to tell everyone what had happened, and
nobody believed me. I started panicking because nobody believed me, and was
trying to deduce a way to get "back" into my body in the present. I
realized later on after waking up normally, that I might have been able to
lie down in the same position as my "real" body was, and try to shift back.
Any thoughts.
> It fascinating, really, because there have been levels to the amount of
> consciousness that I have experienced in the lucid dreamscape. Sometimes
> something would stimulate a degree of consciousness, but I do not fully
> remember that I am really asleep in bed. For example, one time I was
> that I was back in the house we had moved from a couple of years before.
> became aware that I was dreaming, but had thought that I was the "me" back
> that house, not in my present home. Or another time I had several "false
> awakenings" where -- and this is kind of hard to follow -- I would become
> in the dream, feel the strong vibrations course through my body, feel sure
> I knew who and what I was (which was a full acceptance of the identity of
> in the dream), and then wake up as that "me" identity, only to find out
that I
> had not woken up at all, but was in yet another dreamscape! It is like
> recursive dreaming. That happened three levels deep once, and believe me,
> I woke up the fourth time, it took a lot to convince me that I was not
> suddenly awaken.. again. ;-)

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