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Community Links
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 Software-dev list
 SourceForge page

 EEG Calibrator
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The text and graphics of this site are released under a Creative Commons license unless otherwise stated.

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The OpenEEG community

Sourceforge page

The various areas on the sourceforge page are used for community work. You should be able to see which bits are used and which aren't.

Mailing lists

There are two current mailing lists for the OpenEEG project, and one older one. Before posting, please read "How to get answers".


This is the main mailing list, the place for discussing hardware design, for getting help with hardware build problems, and for all other OpenEEG-related things. General software discussion also takes place here, as this is where most people are subscribed. Mailing list archives in mbox format are occasionally posted here.


This list is intended for software development discussion, bug-fixing and so on. More general software questions are probably better handled on the main list.


This was the project's old mailing list on Yahoo. The archive is included here to preserve some of the discussions with valued project members who have now moved on to other things.


The OpenEEG community also has a Wiki, which is used for collaborative development of documentation, and other various useful bits.

Sourceforge site

What is Sourceforge? For those of you who aren't familiar with Sourceforge, it is, in their own words, "the world's largest Open Source software development web site, providing free hosting to tens of thousands of projects". See About for details and further info.

OpenEEG may not be software, but we're about open source hardware, so they let us host there too.

What they provide us with: in addition to the hosting for this website, they provide a file download system, Version Control (CVS), Bug and Feature tracking, News, and hosting for the mailing lists mentioned above.