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The OpenEEG project - links and reading

General information on EEG technology

  • Biopotential Technology links from Doug Sutherland -- a huge collection of interesting links.
  • Papers on biopotential measurements (i.e electronics) from BioSemi in the Netherlands.
  • Brain-computer interfacing (BCI) links provided by Brendan Allison: his old page with many links, his new page with BCI teaching materials and a related PhD thesis.
  • BCI2000 is a general-purpose software framework for brain-computer interface research maintained by some of the best-known scientists in the field. It can also be used for simple data acquisition (supporting many data acquisition and EEG systems) and stimulus presentation. BCI2000 is free of charge for research and educational purpose. A 'Material Transfer Agreement' has to be signed in order to download it. There's a lot of interesting information and documentation about BCI as well.
  • Academic research paper search engines: PubMed and CiteSeer. However, only some papers are available online, and many require a payment to read them -- unless you have access to a University library.
  • Biomedical Engineering Online, which has some interesting open-access (i.e. freely available) research papers such as this one
  • An old 1974 lucid dreaming paper that covers the frequency bands, where they can be found and at what kinds of voltage levels.


Unsorted useful links